Thursday, May 24, 2012

Scott "Bam Bam" Sullivan Muay Thai DVD Review

I know this is not a location type review however I feel as though this DVD series deserves a review.

I have been through both the 1st and 2nd DVD's in his series. I would like to first say that personally I don't feel like most DVD's would work well for those without previous martial arts training. This set is one that does not follow by that belief.

In the first DVD there is great detail to the basics allowing someone with no experience a great tutor into building a strong foundation. Along with the foundation into Muay Thai it offers drills on pads and heavy bags. The second DVD also covers the each step with great detail but offers a larger range of drills and more advanced moves.

Scott has had experience in the ring and has proven himself as a fighter. If you delve deeper into his history you will find he also is a professor at the University of Houston Downtown, he is there philosophy professor. I believe between his two back grounds alone that should show he has the history in the sport and the knowledge to present a DVD training series in an easy to follow method.

I have covered another groups DVD on Muay Thai. It was extremely primary with a very minimal amount of coverage of technique.

I have conversed with "Bam Bam" several times via email and he has stated to me there would be no problems with a DVD student coming down to Houston and testing there salt with him in person. Of course, you would have to pay the extra to train for the time down there. But lets be honest, if your going to spend time learning something wouldn't you want to make certain that you have learned it correctly. Especially when it comes to something like self defense or even finding out when you step into a ring.

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