Sunday, August 19, 2012

Muay Thai training online

I recently signed up for the Muay Thai training online program presented by Master Tran. First off Master Tran is a quality instructor and has a good pedigree in Muay Thai. That being said the online training program is less than a sub-par program. I waited to post this until after my two week trial period. I wanted to make certain that what I was getting was indeed what I was getting. There are only 3 weeks worth of training on the web site. By this I mean there are three Muay Thai videos and three workout videos. Not really a massive collection of informaion and at $20 a month it would seem to have something more to offer.  I think it is possible that this was a project that was started but not finished or even kept up with. If this was given just a little bit of effort and time it could easily be a useful tool to those wishing to learn an additional martial art, extra info to their existing Muay Thai training or just someone looking to start down the road to become more healthy.

So sadly on this offering I have to say Master Tran could use some help.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Yoga for MMA

I have borrowed a link from a group I belong to's blog the link will be listed at the bottom of this post. For those that feel like MMA is all about fighting, pushing weights and being the biggest tank in the cage this a great read to maybe persuade you to the light. It is as solid of a base as any other work you do towards your game. Yoga builds your core and keeps your joints limber. This means less likely to be injured and less momentum on your part to push through you techniques which can equate to a longer tank of gas for you.

My good friend Levi Wampler is the owner of the below link. His site MMA Striking Coach Association is a great location for MMA training info and other useful insight. From Muay Thai, Boxing and several other standing forms to BJJ defenses.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Down and Out With an Old Man Back

I'll admit I have been plagued by what seems my entire life with a bad back.  However, for about three weeks now my pain has set in and not left this time. I can usually relieve my pain via a few good back weight lifting days and bam its all better. This one has seemed to sink its teeth into my spin and has found no desire to let go. I have been taking the pain killers and muscle relaxer given to me by my doc and have now advanced to a steroid program to relieve the inflammation. I pain has at least leveled out to a point were I've grown to tolerate it. I have recently adopted a plan of performing a twice daily yoga routine surrounded by principals of strengthening the lower back and core specially. The entire session last a mere 15 min. and absolutely does not increase the pain. The upside is after two days I've been able to walk a much longer period than just 10 min., which is all the longer I could walk just days prior. My hopes and belief is that building my my core up for the next week then adding body weight only exercise based off of the book "Special Ops Fitness Training" written by Mark De Lisle. I have used this program in the past and seen tremendous gains in strength and a noticeable loss in body fat. So double bonus with the simple training program.

Please if you have an alterative to getting a back back to letting me do my MMA and my normal weight training let me know. I also am missing the eating 3500 calories a day without putting on any extra pounds :-) I was just in the start of training with a local team that offers both a level 3 instructor in American Top Team and an instructor in Gracie's BJJ.

Thanks for the help or at least the time to take the read.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Traditional Martial Arts Still Have a Home

In MMA it seems as BJJ, wrestling and Muay Thai have taken there place as the most talked about and most used methods. Now don't get me wrong they do time and time again show themselves to be very prevalent as kings of the ring. My belief is however a good grounded fighter that has started his training or peruses training in a traditional form will tend to show great discipline and a degree of calm typically not found in a person purely in the ring for the sport. With that being said BJJ does lean to a traditional form and a majority of its patrons are of the disciplined breed.

This week my instructor was showing me a technique that I had already learned in another form. The two forms approached the same technique in slightly different manners. When I performed it my instructor noticed I was doing it in the method that had been installed in my head already. While both approaches would end in the same resolve it is my duty and discipline to do the technique in this new fashion taught to me by my new teacher. I bring this up to merely show an instant were honor for ones teacher, discipline and the degree of calm are taught in a traditional school. I could have argued that what I was already doing would worked just as well and made a big spectral of the moment. However it would interfere with the flow and feel of the total experience.

While I am aware that a traditional form is not going to shoot you to the top of the UFC and make you a house hold name. But look at how many top fighters of today and yesterday had a strong respect and back ground in a traditional form. I do like just as much as the next guy the brawlers and the guys that just like to run in there and cause the crowd to scream and cheer. But there is just something to say about the calm collected men and women of the ring that walk in there and get the job done without making up a three ring circus.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Scott "Bam Bam" Sullivan Muay Thai DVD Review

I know this is not a location type review however I feel as though this DVD series deserves a review.

I have been through both the 1st and 2nd DVD's in his series. I would like to first say that personally I don't feel like most DVD's would work well for those without previous martial arts training. This set is one that does not follow by that belief.

In the first DVD there is great detail to the basics allowing someone with no experience a great tutor into building a strong foundation. Along with the foundation into Muay Thai it offers drills on pads and heavy bags. The second DVD also covers the each step with great detail but offers a larger range of drills and more advanced moves.

Scott has had experience in the ring and has proven himself as a fighter. If you delve deeper into his history you will find he also is a professor at the University of Houston Downtown, he is there philosophy professor. I believe between his two back grounds alone that should show he has the history in the sport and the knowledge to present a DVD training series in an easy to follow method.

I have covered another groups DVD on Muay Thai. It was extremely primary with a very minimal amount of coverage of technique.

I have conversed with "Bam Bam" several times via email and he has stated to me there would be no problems with a DVD student coming down to Houston and testing there salt with him in person. Of course, you would have to pay the extra to train for the time down there. But lets be honest, if your going to spend time learning something wouldn't you want to make certain that you have learned it correctly. Especially when it comes to something like self defense or even finding out when you step into a ring.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Use What You Got

I have a great tractor tire I flip when I can. I have a keg I toss around as well but when an opportunity arises you must ponce. I live close to a hay field and I'm given this chance a few times a year. The hay bale is very awkward they are 5' tall and 5' long. Once your momentum starts you can add a bit of a cardio feel to the exercise like I do in this video. Hope you all enjoy.

The main point to this is if you don't have a keg or a tire improvise. Any form of pushing yourself is better than sitting on a couch and turning into a victim the obesity epidemic.

Alt. to the Tire Flip

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Start of The Nomadic MMA'r

After giving this thing a long rest and lots of thought on what I wish to do. I have came up with a plan and direction.

I will be traveling to various martial arts gyms. Then posting my general overview of the environment and just my general feel for the training local. From time to time I will be tossing in gibberish of my workouts, goals and any other thing I feel pertinent to my MMA path.