Sunday, June 3, 2012

Traditional Martial Arts Still Have a Home

In MMA it seems as BJJ, wrestling and Muay Thai have taken there place as the most talked about and most used methods. Now don't get me wrong they do time and time again show themselves to be very prevalent as kings of the ring. My belief is however a good grounded fighter that has started his training or peruses training in a traditional form will tend to show great discipline and a degree of calm typically not found in a person purely in the ring for the sport. With that being said BJJ does lean to a traditional form and a majority of its patrons are of the disciplined breed.

This week my instructor was showing me a technique that I had already learned in another form. The two forms approached the same technique in slightly different manners. When I performed it my instructor noticed I was doing it in the method that had been installed in my head already. While both approaches would end in the same resolve it is my duty and discipline to do the technique in this new fashion taught to me by my new teacher. I bring this up to merely show an instant were honor for ones teacher, discipline and the degree of calm are taught in a traditional school. I could have argued that what I was already doing would worked just as well and made a big spectral of the moment. However it would interfere with the flow and feel of the total experience.

While I am aware that a traditional form is not going to shoot you to the top of the UFC and make you a house hold name. But look at how many top fighters of today and yesterday had a strong respect and back ground in a traditional form. I do like just as much as the next guy the brawlers and the guys that just like to run in there and cause the crowd to scream and cheer. But there is just something to say about the calm collected men and women of the ring that walk in there and get the job done without making up a three ring circus.